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I've listed my upcoming conventions and appearances below. Please check to see when and where I'll be signing, reading, panelisting, releasing new books, or just visiting!

Jan 11, '18 -
Jan 15, '18
Further Confusion 2018


I'll be signing books and heading up panels at the anthromorphics convention, Further Confusion, in San Jose, CA. Check this space for updated appearance dates and times including panel listings!

May 5, '18 - May 9, '18
RAWR Workshop 2018


For the third year in a row, I will be instructing at the Regional Anthropomorphic Writers Retreat, a five-day writing workshop focused on helping writers of anthropomorphic fiction enhance their professional networks, confidence, and writing skills by utilizing a structured and intense experience. Focused instruction, one-on-one coaching, constructive criticism, socialization opportunities, and post-event communication are some of what the RAWR workshop experience has to offer. 

May 10, '18 - May 13, '18
Biggest Little FurCon 2018


After instructing in a workshop, it's good to relax and have a good time! BLFC has few panels, and my publishers usually don't have tables in the dealer's den where I can have official signing times. But I'm happy meet folks and sign books if you have them. Hope to see some of you there!


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